Seeking Legal Representation


A state representative and fellow veteran has agreed to help me, help my son. I'm to find a lawyer preferably licensed in Florida & Texas to work with my son for a writ of habeas corpus.

🌟 I haven't yet heard back from the State Representative. I'm told it's called ghosting. 
I need a group of benevolent people to join in 
to help free Bryce. 
Bryce Seton Vandergrift He had just turned 15 years old. 
DOB- 09-09-1994.ORIGINAL CASE-2010-CR-JUV-003-22a. Arrested 12-31-2009. Crime Zip Code 78251. Bryce Seton Vandergrift-01661857.
The Juvenile Court has a new D.A. 
POLICE REPORT-090979792.

OFFENSE: F1 MURDER 1ST DEGREE- 09990019 SID-08508535
TDC-01661857 DOB-09091994.
DOCKET:A-12533 / a3840
I believe someone has made up a false habitual offender arrest record possibly dated MAY 05 2009. I did a background check on Bryce after this tragedy happened. He had no prior arrest. In the courtroom the defense told the Judge his client had never been in trouble with the law before. This was Honorable Judge L. k. Jarrett's first murder case.

Ten years have passed. He's now 25. He no longer has involuntary muscle movements. His tics from Tourettes, subsided years ago. There's more to TS than tics. His mental health is managed with medication. My Tourettes is finally mild!
Bryce believes in God. He does not swear, smoke or do drugs. He has no gang affiliation and no tattoos. He loves and respects me. Prison life is deteriorating him both mentally & physically.
The defense attorney Anthony B. Cantrell. was hired by Bryce's father, David Vandergrift, who was given immediate plausible deniability and has stopped communicating with our son since early 2013.
There are clear violations from being alone when waiving his Miranda Rights and giving a false confession in which he continued to have the details of crime wrong. No one told him there is substantial evidence to show that even the victims wife had motive, means and opportunity. Or that the weapon supposedly found near Bryce's father's home, was not the murder weapon.
A witness went to the station and told police about her involvement. The wife and her son wanted Mr. Fred Cantu dead, before they met my mentally disabled child. She was a speech pathologists for special needs children" like my Bryce. I have the police report.
What's in the courts case against my son is not what happened. Bryce's history and this case is well documented. I believe this is why I've been denied transcripts. Bryce still believes this was a Capital case and a jury would have given him a life sentence or death penalty. The court case also has fabricated negative information about me as a mother. It's meant to discredit me and is common practice in cases like this. The 55 page forensic psychologist report outlines that this negative info is also false. She told me if this case goes to trial, she will be a witness for Bryce. 
My son was told that he had shot a man three times in the chest with a shotgun while he laid asleep on the couch. Bryce said "oh I did"!? as he nearly fell backwards onto the floor tipping back in his chair, in his own astonishment! I was there. The autopsy report shows victim was shot once. Fred Cantu died during surgery at the hospital. I have the report and posted it online. Bryce continues to believe what he was told he did.

Fred Cantu  RIP. Much Respect.
A Navy Veteran. 
No one told Bryce that there is a 55 page forensic psychologist report, stating that he is not culpable for any part in the states case against him. And she found my 6'1 child, to be an incompetent child.
While EMS was working on the victim, he told police his own son Nick shot him. It's in the police report. As is a blood splattered t shirt upstairs in Master Bathroom, a shirt known to have worn by the victims son.
An officer suspected the victims wife and wanted her investigated. Why wasn't she investigated? The lawyer told the newly appointed Judge, well your honor, it looks like my client was the shooter!
I still live in Florida, Hillsborough county, Bryce is in Texas. I am a six year honorably discharged veteran. Could Bryce get transferred to Florida? He and I are all we have.




Kind Regards, Bryce's M💔M. ms.pelletier,

any benevolent people wanting to help save Bryce, 4brycesbattle, please contact me. 🌟 🌟 🌟***
BrycesetonvandergriftsMoM Father is DavidLVandergrift
bryce has a brother nine years older, he is myDavid'savids first child. BrettRyanVandergrift. Dave and Brett abandoned Bryce over seven years ago. 2013 David moved back to Florida. I have lived in Florida since 1996.

FredCantuJr GraceCantu NicholasCantu & DanielCantu
 This pic is from the news on sentencing day, it captures my sons deep frown and sorrow, after he was openly and publicly admonished in by victim's sister MelindaCastilleja, for the death of her brother Fred Cantu Jr.

 I did not attend the sentencing hearing. It was too much for me. I was under a bridge off Roosevelt street, near my hotel feeling suicidal, until I again realized that I'm all Bryce has and I'm the only one that cared/cares about him.

 It's my understanding that NickCantu her nephew and the real shooter, was not admonished. By now I am sure Melinda knows my son did NOT shoot her brother and that he was manipulated to be framed. Bryce still believes he did this.
Dear George Soros, please save my son.  

🌟 any benevolent people wanting to help save Bryce, 4brycesbattle, please contact me. It cannot be accomplished with out the help of others and or a person of influence. And or a lot of money. My son continues to believe what his lawyer and those in control of his case told him he did. 

brycebattles 4bryce, advocate4bryce brycesmom ace acemom


  1. Help Marie, Bryce's MoM go visit her son.

    Thanks! Marie, (my middle name)

    1. Anonymous1/23/2025

      How is Bryce now? I think he is innocent. I hope you both are well. Peace be with you both - A caring Massachusetts woman

  2. As of today... Bryce is still at the Skyview mental health unit 👍. Not great... But way better than DANGEROUS COFFIELD.

    My son isn't writting or calling me. I know something is still very wrong. Texas is destroying my beloved child. All for the LOVE of the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR BILL. So much for this once great nation.

  3. Anonymous3/26/2020

    Do prisoners get treated badly in prison?

    My son is deteriorating in prison. Some days my spirit is so tormented that I've wished us dead. Other days I recover and carry on ONLY for the sake of my son who I love dearly. I cannot think of one positive thing to say about prison ����.

    Anything minutely good is by far overshadowed by the bad, the very bad, the worse than bad, the worse of the worse. Words that come to mind are barbaric, disgusting, dehumanizing, deplorable, inhumane, destructive and evil.

    Prison life reaches in to grab hold of your very core.

    It's hungry to destroy. And if that isn't bad enough… when it's done chewing you and those that love you up… it spits you out upon the gutter and says…. You'll be back.


Your comments are welcome
