I am a mother who is trying to save her son. On 12/31/ 2009 my 15 yr old minor-son was arrested for the murder of his best friends father. Before he died, the victim named his murderer, he said his own son Nick, and it is part of the original police report.
Officers found a blood splattered t-shirt upstairs on the floor in the master bathroom floor, This is a shirt known to have been worn by the victims own son and also part of the police report. Nick was named an assessor, Bryce was named the shooter and planner!
A highly respected forensic psychologist named Doctor Joann Murphey in Texas, wrote a 55 page report in defense of my minor son. She found my 15 year old minor son NOT culpable for any part in the case against him. And she found my 15 year old son to be a child. Her report was never presented.
Based on compelling evidence I believe the victims wife to be the mastermind behind the murder of her husband. I believe she exploited my son and used him and his vulnerabilities for her own financial gain. A witness came down to the station and told how the victims wife was involved. He said she was giving my minor son drugs, alcohol and money. As bryce's mother, I want to know why wasn't she investigated?
An Officer requested the victim's wife be investigated, yet there is nothing to show this happened. According to our laws she should have been arrested and charged accordingly. When officers arrive the victims wife had blood on her hand, arms and night shirt. She told police that when she heard gun shots in her home she came down stairs to see what was the matter.
After tending to the victim she said she saw the back door open, so she shut it, locked it and went back upstairs in fear of her life. Nick told the police his best friend bryce did this, she said bryce was her sons only friend.
There were a lot of officers called to the victims home that day. From my research it is clear portions of the police report have been redacted, amended and revised on dates other than the date of the crime. In fact, all pages pertaining to statements taken, including my son's, were written over seven days after the date of the crime.
My son was alone when he waived his miranda rights. Bryce has a well documented medical, mental, educational and social history. according to our laws he is not allowed to waive his rights, let alone be deemed a competent adult and sentenced plea agreement to 30 years within 7 months after his arrest. Bryce was still only 15 yrs old.
CASE-2010-CR-JUV-003-22a Docket A-12533/a3840.
Police Report 090979792 Arrest Date-12-31-2009 DOB 09-09-1994.
Bryce Seton Vandergrift did not commit the crimes that he has been arrested and convicted of, My son is living in a prison cell sentenced to 30 years. Bryce is paying for someone else crime.
I am Bryce's mother and I'm trying to save my son. Will you please help me to help my son.
April 2010 Ruled Competent by states doctor
May /26/2010 Certified as an Adult
June 2010 via his Lawyer, court obtains full confession
in exchange for 30 yr plea deal.
July-16-2010 Sentenced, no right to appeal.
Bryce was told there was no evidence to prove anyone else could have committed this crime, he feared a jury would give him life or death.
+++ F R E D -- R.I.P. Much Respect. A Navy Veteran. +++
Nicholas Daniel Cantu 01658805 a3840
The autopsy reports these painkiller drugs were in the victim's blood. 1. Acetaminophen, 2. Naproxen, 3. Hydrocodone Vicodin, and 4. Hydromorphone/ a derivative of morphine.
We are not affiliated with any movements political or other
against the U.S. or others.
To learn more about my son Bryce, or to contact me please visit
Kind Regards, Bryce's Mother bryce@4brycesbattle.org
My son was not in any position to handle defending himself against manipulation
There is more to this story and I would be happy to share this with-you,
Bryce has a Strong Defense that was never used.
Officers found a blood splattered t-shirt upstairs on the floor in the master bathroom floor, This is a shirt known to have been worn by the victims own son and also part of the police report. Nick was named an assessor, Bryce was named the shooter and planner!
A highly respected forensic psychologist named Doctor Joann Murphey in Texas, wrote a 55 page report in defense of my minor son. She found my 15 year old minor son NOT culpable for any part in the case against him. And she found my 15 year old son to be a child. Her report was never presented.
Based on compelling evidence I believe the victims wife to be the mastermind behind the murder of her husband. I believe she exploited my son and used him and his vulnerabilities for her own financial gain. A witness came down to the station and told how the victims wife was involved. He said she was giving my minor son drugs, alcohol and money. As bryce's mother, I want to know why wasn't she investigated?
An Officer requested the victim's wife be investigated, yet there is nothing to show this happened. According to our laws she should have been arrested and charged accordingly. When officers arrive the victims wife had blood on her hand, arms and night shirt. She told police that when she heard gun shots in her home she came down stairs to see what was the matter.
After tending to the victim she said she saw the back door open, so she shut it, locked it and went back upstairs in fear of her life. Nick told the police his best friend bryce did this, she said bryce was her sons only friend.
There were a lot of officers called to the victims home that day. From my research it is clear portions of the police report have been redacted, amended and revised on dates other than the date of the crime. In fact, all pages pertaining to statements taken, including my son's, were written over seven days after the date of the crime.
My son was alone when he waived his miranda rights. Bryce has a well documented medical, mental, educational and social history. according to our laws he is not allowed to waive his rights, let alone be deemed a competent adult and sentenced plea agreement to 30 years within 7 months after his arrest. Bryce was still only 15 yrs old.
CASE-2010-CR-JUV-003-22a Docket A-12533/a3840.
Police Report 090979792 Arrest Date-12-31-2009 DOB 09-09-1994.
Bryce Seton Vandergrift did not commit the crimes that he has been arrested and convicted of, My son is living in a prison cell sentenced to 30 years. Bryce is paying for someone else crime.
I am Bryce's mother and I'm trying to save my son. Will you please help me to help my son.
April 2010 Ruled Competent by states doctor
May /26/2010 Certified as an Adult
June 2010 via his Lawyer, court obtains full confession
in exchange for 30 yr plea deal.
July-16-2010 Sentenced, no right to appeal.
Bryce was told there was no evidence to prove anyone else could have committed this crime, he feared a jury would give him life or death.
+++ F R E D -- R.I.P. Much Respect. A Navy Veteran. +++
Nicholas Daniel Cantu 01658805 a3840
The autopsy reports these painkiller drugs were in the victim's blood. 1. Acetaminophen, 2. Naproxen, 3. Hydrocodone Vicodin, and 4. Hydromorphone/ a derivative of morphine.
We are not affiliated with any movements political or other
against the U.S. or others.
To learn more about my son Bryce, or to contact me please visit
Kind Regards, Bryce's Mother bryce@4brycesbattle.org
My son was not in any position to handle defending himself against manipulation
There is more to this story and I would be happy to share this with-you,
Bryce has a Strong Defense that was never used.