Bryce's Neurological Disorder + Specialist

The Late Doctor Archie Silver of The University of South Florida.

Dr. Archie Silver was instrumental in helping my minor child Bryce, to meet his full potential.
 It was in the year of 2003 when my beautiful child
Bryce, was seen by Dr. Silver. Bryce was a patient of another Professor who worked side by side with Archie Silver at USF, Professor Amayla Ramos.

It was here that Bryce received his second diagnosis of the Genetic Brain Disorder known as Tourette Syndrome.{and it's associated disorders/disabilities}

This Professor along with Dr. Silver agreed that Bryce was a favorable candidate for a new medication
named Abilify.  His first diagnosis came from a local Neurologist who preformed a full lengthy Neurological Evaluation. Well documented medical and mental health history.

Abilify was being used and or tested for the treatment of Tourette Syndrome and it's "Comorbidies".  Bryce's response to Abilify was excellent!

The only troublesome side effect was constipation. Which was easily rectified when his long time doctor, approved for an over the counter daily stool softener. This along with a good diet, took care of the
the side effect.

 Many men, women and children are prescribed medications because they are necessary,.   Just like my Bryce.....

Their tailored treatment plans are vital for their quality of life. Some of the ways a caregiver and or patient participate in their own well-being and success, is by having a yearly physical,

keeping all follow-up appointments, schedule therapy as needed and being on time with Doctor ordered lab test. Make notes of items you want to discuss with your doctor.
Compliance is necessary.........
By bryce's MoM.

                                               on behalf of my son 4brycesbattle 

  * MY FAVORITE:  on Tourette  Syndrome "Plus" Is by Leslie E. Packer, PhD.  She COINED the phrase/word "PLUS"   
4-2006 OHI Other Health Impaired Disability.


2. Another site is. ADHD:

3. Recognition of Tourette Syndrome " AND"

5-2003 Bryce gets refferal for Neuropsychiatric Evaluation at
Florida Diagnostic USF with
Dr. Archie Silver.
------------------------------------------- NOTE:  There's MORE to TS & ADHD than just the tics and or hyperactivity.

When I read an article that is mainly "all about the tics"  I ask
myself, why is this person adding to the misinformation about Tourette Syndrome "PLUS"?

What about the combination of conditions and how they can change, otherwise Known as new and emerging disorders. Such as Bipolar in boys during puberty.  just like my Bryce......

Both ADHD and Tourette Syndrome are widely believed to be Genetic Brain Disorders. 

Personally, I think there is something in the vaccinations. And if there is, then this would be a cause of these disorders and diseases get passed on to our children...

There are medical professionals that claim Tourette Syndrome is an associated condition of ADHD, while other professionals claim that ADHD is the associated condition of Tourette syndrome.

What is agreed upon is this...when on a tailored treatment plan those of us who suffer from these disorders can lead productive and successful lives.    just like my Bryce.....

I raised Bryce until January 2007. I have lived in Tampa since January 1996. In 1998 Bryce's father left us for a young woman named Patricia Rerisi. They eventually married and later divorced. I divorced him in April 1999 and moved into a two bedroom apartment, my maiden name was restored. Two years later I was now on Section 8 and needed donations. I have remained single by choice.

Sometime in 2006 my former husband told me he could give our son more than I could and that he
would. I wanted our child to have more. I didn't know that David had been enticing Bryce when they spoke on the phone.

More and more our son wanted to go and spend some years living with his father. David told Bryce about his 3 large plasma TVs, we didn't have one. His father also told him there was a dog named Chip waiting for him in the back yard.

A two parent family, two incomes, a big house on a culdesac with lots of
material stuff inside. A gated community and more...

His father David Vandergrift and his then step mother Patricia Vandergrift were well aware of our child's disabilities, and all that was in place for our son to continued succeeding.

In February 2009 Patricia filed for divorce, it was finalized in June 2009. case-2009-CI-02457-
45th Judicial District Court, Bexar County, San Antonio Texas. {06/29/2009 VOL

In the criminal case against Bryce, court personnel write that I left Bryce in Texas and moved back to Florida. No, they were talking about the step mother, fabricating we are the same person. More lies. I never left our child, I am guilty of wanting Bryce to have MORE.

Nick and Bryce's houses were in walking distance.  Bryce met the victims wife and her oldest son Nicholas in May 2009. At this time she was a Speech Pathologist for children with special needs.    just like my Bryce.....

I have documents from Texas that show mr. Vandergrift gave his then wife, patricia vandergrift, and that she was also systematically removing bryce's medications and  his safeguards, in place for his special needs, learning disabilities.

bryce seton vandergrift tourette syndrome and it's comorbidities. 


Neuropsychiatric Evaluation 2003 by the late Dr. Archie Silver. Bryce Seton Vandergrift.

Son, I love you dearly. I'm trying to find help for you. 


    My minor son was put into Solitary confinement.
Dear Sir or Mam,                            June 2012

                                                                              Earlier this month I heard a rumor that my minor child
had been placed in solitary confinement. The rumor is/was that my son had been raped by another youth. He had become so suicidal that solitary confinement was used to keep Bryce from taking his own life. My son is in the Clemens unit prison in Brazoria Texas. Before this he was in Huntsville TDCJ.*

I wasn't certain if the rumor was true, I was certain that I was very concerned. So I contacted the prison to inquire
about my son. I first spoke to Mrs. Hanak, who is part of the medical staff at Clemens prison. I have kept up too date with my rights under HIPAA. A medical staff member had confirmed that my son is in solitary confinement.

I then contacted Ms. Barnett, who is the person that could confirm if I am on the contact list and as the next of Kin.

Ms. Barnett refused to tell me. She was more concerned as to how I found out that Bryce was in solitary confinement.

I refused to tell her, and in return she refused to answer my question. She placed me on hold.

When we were reconnected, she continued to try and find out who told me. Then transferred me to another person. It was Major Lacox. 

He works directly under the warden. Major Lacox confirmed that my child was in solitary confinement. He
would not tell me how long. He said Bryce will remain there until the disciplinary hearing.

The reason the Major gave me for my minor child being put in solitary confinement, is that supposedly he and his new cellmate had drawn some pictures and placed several on the floor. At which point they are said to have threaten the other youths-children by saying if you step on our/my pictures, we/I will put a hex on you.

The Major informed me that in almost 2 years that Bryce
has been at Clemens and in the COURAGE PROGRAM,* he had
been doing great. This is the first time Bryce has been disciplined. I asked the Major if Ms. Barnett was going to be put into solitary confinement..... he said no.

I don’t know if my son remains in solitary confinement,or the real reason he was put there. Has he been raped?

Is he trying to kill himself? Do professionals really force Minor children "youths" into solitary confinement?

What constitutes abuses of authority? Abuse of tactics
and measures of solitary confinement? In reference to my son Bryce, which categories apply,discipline? Or is this more of a medically, mentally and or physically necessary means. For me this is abuse of my child.

What can I do about it....

Am I on the contact list? Am I listed as next of Kin?

Bryce's Mother
Bryce Seton Vandergrift.
*TDCJ Texas Department Criminal Justice.
*COURAGE PROGRAM (formerly known as YOP) for Youth Offenders.
later I found out he had been in solitary confinement for at least 7 days. He had not been raped or trying to take his life at this time, later they put him back in solitary confinement, he was asking to be protected from a beat down from some of the other youths, he got attacked more than once, as usual he was blamed for his own problems. They started to write cases against him and he went to a G4 rating fast... Because he kept asking to be protected... God Protect My Child because while he was in solitary confinement, a riot broke out. As his mother, I now consider his confinement to be a blessing in disguise. thank you God!

Doctor Joann Murphey - Forensic Psychologist Minor-Not Culpable

      The 55 page forensic psychologist report for the defense, found bryce not culpable in any part of the case against him. She also found my child to be a child and not an adult. Her report was never
presented to the court. She also told them that Bryce had stopped taking his medications. This doctor was told that Bryce was the shooter.

     The defense hired a well known forensic psychologist for the adult certification hearing.  Her findings confirmed his two disorders that are covered under Federal Law, The Americans with Disability Act. His Cognitive Disorder/Developmental Disabilities as well as his well documented history of being successfully treated while in my care and by his same Florida doctor since he was 4 years old. 

     This forensic psychologist for the defense of my child had also documented important fact of Bryce’s life since moving to Texas, especially in the year 2009 and months leading up to his arrest.   She noted that for over half a year our son had been abusing drugs and alcohol daily.  He could not have be a mastermind,  nor the planner of this tragic crime

     Adults in Texas made False statements about me as a mother and about my own health. False statements were made about his doctors in Florida and of their care of Bryce. She wrote that their statements were contrary to Bryce’s well documented history. 

There is nothing to substantiate their claims, the fallacies originated in Texas.

I am  concerned for my son

Thank you everyone for your compassion and Prayers for brycesetonvandergrift.

Bryce's father David L Vandergrift paid the lawyer. 
Both my and our sons rights were violated. 

                                                               Doctor Joann Murphey

mother ms dorothy marie michell  mothermsdorothymariemiche  motherms forothymarie, mother ms pelle, bbrycevandergri, vandergriftvandergrift, brycesbattle, motherwithbaby, brycevs, sbryces, bryceblogs, bryceupdates, lawyer, promote, news, socialmedianetwork, buyers,

Bryce, Devontae and Christy... BLess the Beast, Not the Children?

 It isn't news to officers that interrogating a child without a parent present often leads to a false confession, especially if the child is emotionally or developmentally challenged.

Young Bryce Vandergrift is incarcerated for a homicide that the dying victim told an officer was committed by another child … his son.

 Bryce, Davontae and Christy … Bless the Beasts, Not the Children ...
Dec 17, 2011 – Wobbly Warrior's Blog ...                                                    
                                                                          article  by  wobblywarrior     12-2011

With Bryce’s distraught mother’s permission, I’m sharing his Holiday greeting to her, along with a condensed version based on work with the developmentally disabled decades ago … Because his mother lives in Florida, Bryce reminds her that it’s winter in Texas, where he’s incarcerated. He wants to write to authorities and get them to provide heat and clean up the place for all the children, and wants his mother’s help in getting addresses that he can’t get from the facility’s law library.

Like most wrongful convictions, bryces was preventable. 

 Interrogating minors without a parent present often leads to false confessions. When the child is mentally challenged, the odds of a false confession are off the charts.

A false confession was similarly obtained from young Davontae Sanford in Detroit,
 again without a parent present. Like Bryce, Davontae is mentally challenged, and – again like Bryce – there was little reason, if any, to even consider Davontae a suspect. Since Davontae’s conviction, one of the actual shooters confessed to the quadruple homicide, naming his accomplice and clearing Davontae.

While it isn’t news to officers that interrogating a child without a parent present often has disastrous results, it’s often news to the general public … at some point, the mainstream media is going to have to explain to Congress why they routinely chose to put the self-soiled reputations of public servants ahead of public safety.
Treating even one child – innocent or guilty – like a forgotten popsicle in a filthy freezer is unacceptable – I can’t help but wonder if Davontae is as bone-chillingly cold in Michigan as Bryce is in Texas.
Christy Clinton Phillip’s California conviction appears to be a carbon copy of Bryce and Davontae’s – a mentally challenged child, interrogated without a parent present, convicted on the basis of the resulting false confession. If you take the time to click the link below and sign the petition to help Christy, you’ll be helping Bryce and Davontae, too.
This song on YouTube may help you make up your mind to sign.
To learn more about these youth's please "visit their respective advocate's links below".

Contact their respective advocatesI'm sure they will be grateful you did. 

Bryce is advocated by his mother,  4brycesbattle.  

 by bryce-seton-vandergrift's-mom

To learn more about devonate-sanford. or christy-phillips check out some their advocates links.

UPDATE: A group of well meaning people came together and DEVONTAE SANDFORD WAS FREE!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
